Cream of the Crop 1
Cream of the Crop 1.iso
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DOS Batch File
149 lines
@echo off
echo - Part of FWKCS(TM) Contents_Signature System, Version 1.18.
echo - (C)Copyright Frederick W. Kantor 1989-1992. All rights reserved.
echo -
echo - Your use of the FWKCS(TM) Contents_Signature System is at solely your own
echo - risk. For safety, please have proper backups of your files.
echo -
echo - REPLACE.BAT to replace a working FWKCS(TM) system, Ver. 1.12 or later;
echo - for use in same directory with FWKCS118.ZIP, FWKCS.118, and FWKCS_TM.118.
echo - To proceed, have QBASIC, GWBASIC, BASICA, or BASIC available on
echo - your path, as appropriate for your operating system;
echo - have a working copy of FWKCS in \CSA, containing your
echo - macros, paths, etc.
echo - (If you are installing FWKCS(TM) for the first time, use INSTALL.BAT.)
echo - ~~~~~~~~~~~
echo - Usage: REPLACE d D N "<enter>"
echo - where d without ":" is the drive for the \CS directory
echo - D without ":" is the drive for the \CSA directory
echo - N = 0 get default settings from old \CSA\FWKCS, Ver. 1.12 or later.
echo - 1 install default settings for Ver. 1.18 (including new options).
if .%1 == ./* goto end
if .%1 == . goto nd
if .%2 == . goto nod2
if .%3 == .0 goto aa
if not .%3 == .1 goto bi
echo -
echo - Are these drives correct: %1:\CS and %2:\CSA ? If not, stop now!
echo - To quit, press Ctrl+C, then y ~~~~~~~~
echo -
if not exist fwkcs118.zip goto nv118
if exist 0_setup.bat del 0_setup.bat > nul
if exist 0_setup.bat attrib -r 0_setup.bat > nul
if exist 0_setup.bat del 0_setup.bat > nul
pkunzip 0_setup.bat > nul
if errorlevel 1 goto zex
goto nz
if exist 2_setup.bat del 2_setup.bat > nul
if exist 2_setup.bat attrib -r 2_setup.bat > nul
if exist 2_setup.bat del 2_setup.bat > nul
if exist s_setup.bat del s_setup.bat > nul
if exist s_setup.bat attrib -r s_setup.bat > nul
if exist s_setup.bat del s_setup.bat > nul
if exist myowncsl.srt del myowncsl.srt > nul
if exist myowncsl.srt attrib -r myowncsl.srt > nul
if exist myowncsl.srt del myowncsl.srt > nul
if exist #@!#@!^^.@!@ del #@!#@!^^.@!@ > nul
if exist #@!#@!^^.@!@ attrib -r #@!#@!^^.@!@ > nul
if exist #@!#@!^^.@!@ del #@!#@!^^.@!@ > nul
if exist @@!#@!^^.@!@ del @@!#@!^^.@!@ > nul
if exist @@!#@!^^.@!@ attrib -r @@!#@!^^.@!@ > nul
if exist @@!#@!^^.@!@ del @@!#@!^^.@!@ > nul
if exist @@!#@^!^.@!@ del @@!#@^!^.@!@ > nul
if exist @@!#@^!^.@!@ attrib -r @@!#@^!^.@!@ > nul
if exist @@!#@^!^.@!@ del @@!#@^!^.@!@ > nul
if not exist fwkcstmp.118 goto n1
if exist fwkhi.com del fwkhi.com > nul
if exist fwkhi.com attrib -r fwkhi.com > nul
if exist fwkhi.com del fwkhi.com > nul
pkunzip -o fwkcstmp.118 fwkhi.com > nul
if exist fwkhi.com goto n2
if not exist fwkcs.118 goto nd
if not exist fwkcs_tm.118 goto cm
ren fwkcs_tm.118 fwkcs_tm.com > nul
fwkcs_tm < fwkcs.118 >fwkcstmp.118
if errorlevel 1 goto fbad
ren fwkcs_tm.com fwkcs_tm.118 > nul
pkunzip -o fwkcstmp.118 fwkhi.com > nul
if not exist fwkhi.com goto fbad
echo -
echo - Should I enter FWKCS118.ZIP's contents_signatures for future reference?
echo -
echo - Press either 0 or 1 to answer: 0 = NO. 1 = YES.
echo -
if errorlevel 2 goto ask1
if not errorlevel 1 goto nocs
if exist fwkcs118.zip ren fwkcs118.zip @@!#@!^^.@!@ > nul
ren fwkcstmp.118 fwkcs118.zip > nul
pkunzip -o fwkcs118.zip fwkcs.exe > nul
fwkcs /1 fwkcs118.zip #@!#@!^^.@!@
ren fwkcs118.zip fwkcstmp.118 > nul
if exist @@!#@!^^.@!@ ren @@!#@!^^.@!@ fwkcs118.zip > nul
if not exist fwkcs.exe pkunzip fwkcs118.zip fwkcs.exe > nul
if exist fwkcs118.zip fwkcs /1 fwkcs118.zip >> #@!#@!^^.@!@
fwkcs #@!#@!^^.@!@ /a7.8v",!" @@!#@^!^.@!@
del #@!#@!^^.@!@ > nul
fwkcs @@!#@^!^.@!@ /s
fwkcs @@!#@^!^.@!@ nul myowncsl.srt /ms
del @@!#@^!^.@!@ > nul
del fwkcs.exe > nul
pkunzip fwkcstmp.118 s_setup.bat > nul
del fwkhi.com > nul
s_setup %1 ! %2 %3
echo -
echo - REPLACE.BAT is for use in the same directory with all these
echo - files together: FWKCS118.ZIP, FWKCS.118, and FWKCS_TM.118.
goto clu
echo -
echo - I need N = 0 or 1 ; 0 to get your old defaults, 1 to install new defaults.
goto helpr
echo -
echo - Where is Phil Katz's PKUNZIP(R)?
echo -
echo - Please check your path and mapping...
echo -
echo - After you correct this problem,
goto helpr
del fwkcstmp.118 > nul
ren fwkcs_tm.com fwkcs_tm.118 > nul
echo -
echo - Bad file. Execution aborted.
echo -
echo - Please clean up, and try again. See README.TXT.
goto end
echo -
echo - I need FWKCS_TM.118.
echo -
echo - I quit!
goto end
echo -
echo - I need two drive entries (they can both have the same letter).
echo -
echo - Please try again...
goto end
echo -
echo - Nothing to do!
if exist fwkhi.com del fwkhi.com > nul
echo -